
Tintenklecks Dreams

Find the idea that changes your life in just 10 minutes

order number 2782

What is your question?

What do you think about this inkblot?

Now try to find the connection between your ideas and your initial question: Is there a solution? What would be the next steps?

«Inkblot pictures put you in touch with your intuition.
Therefore they are the perfect tool for decision-making and a guidance for all areas of your life.»

Michael Draksal

What do you see here?

There is no right or wrong

Inkblot pictures seem to be chaotic—at first!
Because the longer you look at the picture the more patterns you will discover: It is symmetric! Left and right side are the same.
You are discovering structures in the chaos.
Two sides of a story. Pro and contra. Yin and Yang.
Your brain gets in a state of «Ah», «I see», «Oh, look at that».
Your brain gets in a state of finding solutions for your actual problems.

What could that be?

Speak out loudly what comes to your mind—spontaneously while looking at the inkblot. Do not criticize your thoughts, yet. Just speak automatically.
And suddenly there is this magical moment, this spontaneous insight.

Is it the idea that will change your life?

How to innovate?

It all begins with an idea. Brainstorming is probably the most common creativity technique: Address your problem and then everything is allowed to say, no matter how unrealistic it may be. In this first phase criticism is not allowed. Sorting out all ideas which are not helpful to solve the initial problem takes place in phase two. And sometimes a really surprising solution remains.
The inkblot pictures in this book are the perfect help for brainstorming sessions, because they promote unusual ideas: thinking outside the box.

Colorful and versatile—what inkblots can do

Inkblots: Finding ideas, making decisions

Are you looking for a new idea or do you have a question that is in your head since days? Then start scrolling! Get inspired by the inkblot pictures in this book and write down your associations. Unusual, surprising thoughts are allowed! There are no boundaries. Your fantasy is king.

For a successful creative session you need to follow some ground rules: Take care of distractions! It is important that you can get in the flow, so turn off your cellphone for the next 10 minutes. Open your mind! Set yourself in a state of allowing ideas to come to you. Try not to criticize too much in the beginning. Just feel free, enjoy this session, have fun—and the results will follow.

Inkblots: The party game

In Germany we have this New Year's Eve tradition of Bleigiessen (lead pouring).

A piece of lead is melted and then dropped into a pot of cold water. The lead forms random shapes which then can be interpreted: What will happen in the future? Nowadays this tradition is widely criticized due to the toxic properties of lead as a heavy metal.

Inkblot pictures are a healthy alternative to lead pouring. Just ask yourself: «What will happen next year?», then look at an inkblot and speak out loudly what comes to your mind. It is fun and promotes your creativity skills.

Inkblots: Innovation in business

come to new ideas.