Angelika Ruppert

Give Ease a Chance

- Tools for an Easy, Conscious Living -


For years now I’ve been regularly applying all the different methods you will find in this book. The experiences and insights I’ve gained through them have helped me a lot on my path.

They’ve brought a new kind of easiness into my life. I now follow my impulses and embark on projects I would have described only a few years ago as impossible to realize.

Again and again new potentials show up in my life and I joyfully bring them into reality. One of these potentials was to write a book, this book.

Enjoy reading and experiencing it.

Give Ease a Chance

In my Opinion
the secret of life is
to take things very, very easy.

Oscar Wilde

Life can be so easy!

We often just don’t have the necessary tools to move out of unwanted, difficult or uncomfortable situations. Far too often we believe we have no choice, we feel weak, powerless and stuck in a place where we actually don’t want to be.

Why are we behaving in this way?

There are certainly many different reasons for this. At school, for example, we learn a lot 'for life', but we are not taught how to deal with situations when things turn out differently than we would have wanted them to be or when we get caught up in mind chatter.

Our parents didn’t have the knowledge either to teach us, because they also had never learned it.

And that’s why as grown-ups we go through difficult ordeals, therapies and processing our issues – again and again processing the issues – until eventually we realize, that we are constantly circling around the same subjects and that every answer just brings up new questions … what a vicious circle!

Our safety, too, seems to be outrageously important for us. That’s why most of the time we avoid making changes so as not to jeopardize it. “It could all get even worse”, we tell ourselves when we are confronted with situations we don’t like and … it does get worse, precisely because we don’t make a change.

Being stuck, not moving forward when actually every fiber within us cries for a change, brings us to the point where we experience more and more external impulses to move us forward.

If we continue to ignore these impulses, incidents will occur, which we then interpret as being struck by fate. Eventually we are forced to make a change, often from a place of deep suffering.

But it doesn’t have to be like this. There are simple methods of leaving uncomfortable situations much earlier – this way it’s change by choice and not by force.

This book offers suggestions and exercises to become familiar with such methods.

We will encounter the term ‘Conscious Breathing’ in different chapters. It’s a basic tool to move energies, emotions, feelings and also thoughts.

The concept of the ‘Safe Space’ will also appear in several sections. The Safe Space makes it easier for us to move from the old to the new and provides us with a feeling of security during the transition period.


The methods and exercises described in this book do not lay any claim to be a therapeutic approach.

They are intended solely for integration into daily life, to make it easier and more joyful.

Chapter 1

Conscious Breathing

Conscious LIVING
Conscious BEING

Breathing means living. Breathing means saying Yes to life. We start our life with the first breath and end it with the last one. In between, we consistently unlearn or simply forget how to breathe in a supportive way. We breathe unconsciously and shallowly, thus denying our body sufficient fresh energy.

This happens even though the importance of the breath has been known for millennia and various yoga techniques use it to influence and harmonize the energy flow within the human body. These techniques are applied less in Western countries and are now losing their relevance in the New Energy frequency of our growing consciousness, in which we are handling and manifesting things more easily and quickly.
