
Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

A Controlled Existence

Dutch Capture Series, Book Two

by Gemma Stone

ISBN: 978-1-945648-59-5

A Pink Flamingo Media Ebook

Copyright ©2018 Gemma Stone

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers.

For information contact:

Pink Flamingo Media

P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI

Chapter One

A New Life


Kat stood up and looked down at Paul. He looked her up and down, admiring her naked form, as he always did. “Where are you going?” he asked.

“I am just going outside and may be some time,” she replied, trying overly hard to sound stoic and throwing her forearm up over her forehead melodramatically in imitation of tragedians in silent movies.

“OK, Oates. Just don’t freeze to death.”

“It’s probably sixty-eight degrees out there. Not much chance of hypothermia. I’m just hot and want to cool off. Maybe I’ll take a dip in the pool.”

“You are hot. Just bring your sexy ass back in here pronto. I’m going to need it very shortly, slave.”

“Yes, Master,” Kat replied and smiled. Turning to head for the patio door, her smile turned into a little giggle involuntarily. She had hoped that he would recognize her reference, and he did. He almost always caught her references, and she his—they were that much in sync despite the difference in their ages. The Oates to whom they were both referring was Captain Lawrence “Titus” Oates, a British cavalry officer who was with Robert Falcon Scott on his doomed expedition to the South Pole. According to Scott’s diary, suffering from scurvy and frostbitten feet, Oates feared he was holding his comrades back. Determined to sacrifice himself that they might live, he uttered the line Kat quoted and walked out into a blizzard without even bothering to put on his boots. It did no good. In the end, all those with Scott perished. It was, as she indicated, a fate she felt sure she would not share and a rather morbid invocation for such a festive occasion.

Kat stepped gingerly amid entwined naked limbs as she made her way outside. The cool night air felt good against her skin. In the bright moonlight, she saw lovers canoodling and interlocking everywhere. She spotted Meg and Courtney in the pool. She made her way to the pool’s edge and jumped in. Approaching the two women, she threw her arms around them and kissed them both deeply.

Perhaps, at this point, one should take a moment for explanation. Samuel Clemens began The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn with Huck narrating, “You don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain’t no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There were things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth.”

Kat’s name is Katrina Van Tuyl, and you wouldn’t know her unless you read the book The Sessions. That book told the story of how she went from bored New York socialite, with a bachelor’s degree in English and art history, to the collared sex slave of a wealthy and mysterious Dom. That would be Paul Ulbrecht. He was a controversial sex therapist that her best friend and college roommate Meg had referred Kat to. Now he was the master of them both. The Sessions told the story of Kat’s defilement and inexorable--and very willing—descent into a live-in 24/7 BDSM Master/slave relationship.

In The Story of O, Sir Stephen debases and trains O, only to abandon her at the end. When Master asked Kat to leave her life in New York City and move in with him, she didn’t feel pressured. She felt elated and relieved. She thought that she had somehow beaten the odds. Sir Stephen had not abandoned his O. Instead he had embraced her and, at her urging, had given her two beautiful slave sisters, Meg and Courtney.

As Kat hugged her sisters in the swimming pool, thoughts of all that had happened in the last year flooded into her mind. She was happy, but beyond that she was content. They were at one of their Master’s periodic play parties. The three sisters had been the servers at the event, which began as a fairly typical affluent, suburban cocktail party—with three nude women as the wait staff. Partygoers were allowed to touch, fondle, lick, and kiss them at will but not to penetrate or violate them in any way.

The cocktail party climaxed with a sex show staged for the guests by Paul. That night, he took Courtney from behind, while she ate Meg’s pussy. Kat sat on Meg’s face, being pleasured by her as she ran her hands over Courtney’s back and reached underneath her to play with her breasts. Though Courtney was in exactly the same circumstance, being both pleasured and bestowing pleasure, in this foursome, Kat always thought the slave lying on her back on the floor was actually the real focal point, receiving from one sister and giving to the other. In this interpretation, their Master’s actions were almost irrelevant. But at the deepest level of her being Kat knew that was not true. Not only was Paul giving Courtney the greatest pleasure and privilege of his massive cock, but he had orchestrated the entire affair. It was his doing. It was all his doing. He had choreographed it, and he had always maintained that foursomes—rather than threesomes—were the best ménages because they opened up so many more possibilities.

At the conclusion of the live show, the play parties always erupted immediately into a full-blown orgy, as if, upon some sudden signal like the blowing of a hunting horn, the Feast of Fools had just been declared open and the Precentor Stultorum, the Lord of Misrule, were instantly in charge.

Kat reluctantly parted from Meg and Courtney. “Master told me not to tarry here outside but to return my ass to him,” she told them.

“Lucky you,” Meg said breathily before returning to kissing Courtney.

Kat climbed out of the pool and grabbed a towel, but then she put it down. She would let the breeze and the dry air kiss the beads of water from her body. She strode confidently to the house, entered, and picked her way through the minefield of naked flesh to her Master. As she made her way, memories flooded back to her.

The week between last Christmas and New Year, Paul took Kat to Star Fall, the clothing-optional resort in the Caribbean that he owned, which covertly served as a BDSM destination. There she was introduced to Claire and Tom, her and Meg’s counterparts on that island paradise, and they both enjoyed sex with them. While they were there, Paul asked Kat to commit to him for a total power exchange, lifestyle relationship and move in with him in Connecticut. Kat pressed the advantage his proposition gave her to get him to agree to collar Courtney and have her and Meg, whom he had already collared, move in, as well.

The four of them settled into quasi-conjugal bliss, like a plural marriage. Just as Paul had helped Kat embrace her omnisexuality, they all embraced their polyamorous relationship.

Kat eventually made her way back to the spot where she left Paul. He smiled up at her. “You’re just in time, slave. I was about to go out looking for you. If I had had to do that, it would not have gone well for you. I’d have had to punish you.”

“I know, Master,” Kat replied. “I’m sorry I took so long. I just took a swim with Courtney and Meg.”

“After we say goodbye to our guests, I’ll give you what you crave, slave.”

“Thank you, Master,” she said, grinning broadly. “It looks like the guests are beginning to leave right now!”

Paul, Kat, Meg, and Courtney, stood at the front door to say goodbye to each of the guests. Most of them took the opportunity for one last tweak or grope of the slaves. Kat, especially, was thrilled that the last guests from the play party were gone.

After Kat, Meg, and Courtney moved in with Paul, he devised a rotation system. Each night, one of them would share his bed, having the privileges of whatever their Master desired that night and of the first fuck of the morning. (Paul loved morning sex.) The two who were not in the rotation slept together and were permitted—no, encouraged—to have sex with each other. Courtney had moaned softly the first time Kat saw her come, when she and Kat did cam2cam when Kat was recruiting another bi female to participate in her and Meg’s stage-two training. With her Master, however, she proved a screamer. Meg and Kat would lie awake in bed and giggle like schoolgirls at her vocalizations, trying to imagine what he was doing to her at that exact moment. Bedroom doors were never closed at night. There was no need.

That night was Kat’s night. She was up in the rotation. “Thank goodness!” she thought, uncertain if she could have gone without him. As she and Paul walked into his bedroom, he stopped her and kissed her firmly. She had removed her wrist and ankle cuffs and waist cincher after the sex show and before going into the pool. Now she wore nothing but his collar. It was the way that she loved to be.

Kat got up on the California king bed and crawled to the middle, setting herself up on her hands and knees. She looked over her shoulder and saw that he was fully erect, his nine-and-a-half inch staff pointing towards the ceiling. “No, slave, not tonight,” he said. Kat pouted.

“I thought he had told me that I’d get what I craved! I need to be fucked in the ass,” she thought, though she did not dare say anything or risk punishment. Kat was one of those rare women for whom anal was the preferred way of intercourse.

“Tonight I want to have your ass the way I had it that first time. Lie on your back.”

Kat’s frown turned into a big grin. She flopped on the bed and rolled over on her back. As Paul approached her, she stretched her legs up in the air and raised her ass. He eased his cock into her dark sheath, and she wrapped her legs around his neck. Her hand dropped to her crotch, and she began to massage her clit. She kept her eyes open, and her Master kept his locked on hers while he stroked in and out of her anus forcefully. Her swollen clit was ready to burst. “Please, Master, may I come for you?” she begged.

He did not answer directly, as he usually did. Instead, he said, “You’re a horny bitch, aren’t you, slave?”

“Yes, Master, I’m your horny slave bitch,” she gasped desperately.

“Then come for me, my beautiful slave bitch!” he growled.

She exploded. A few strokes later, Paul followed suit, shooting his warm cum deep inside her anus. “Thank you, Master,” she exhaled.

Paul pulled out and ordered Kat to clean him off with her mouth. She turned and engulfed his still semi-rigid cock. Her Master hated to have a single drop of his semen not be either injected into an appropriate hole or to be eaten. He considered spunk to be sacred. Initially, Kat had found that whole “semen-is-sacred” thing vaguely creepy, but now that she had been worshipping his “Master-full” cock so long, it seemed perfectly natural.

As she tongued his cock dry, Paul looked down at her and said, “Very good, slave. I’m afraid that’s all you get tonight.”

“It was more than enough, Master! You always are,” Kat cooed. She got up and turned the overhead bedroom light off. Shuffling back, she slipped into bed and scrambled under the covers, snuggling up next to her Master. He spooned her all night with his wonderful member comfortably nestled between her ass cheeks. And the next morning they began it all over again.

Chapter Two

Natural Life


Paul was a strong believer in enforced nudity and required all three of his slaves to be naked whenever they were home. They all liked it that way. Since Kat had started her training with her Master, she had dressed only when she had to go out. Clothes began to feel confining and uncomfortable. She was glad to be rid of their burden. Courtney came to feel the same way. She and Kat took care of the house, so they would go for days—sometimes weeks—on end without ever having to dress.

Paul was home with Kat and Courtney many days. When he was, he was naked, too, and the three of them really lived a 24/7 Master/slave relationship. Of course, he had to go out sometimes to shop, take care of his business interests, or go see clients at his practice in New York. He also went out of town periodically on business, particularly to Star Fall. When he was there, Kat knew he was with Claire and Tom, but she didn’t let it bother her. Jealousy was not part of their polyamorous deal. Besides she liked Claire, and she liked being with her, as well. She really became like another sister to Meg, Courtney, and her.

Kat felt sorry for Meg. She was a lawyer at a high-powered New York firm. So she had to get dressed every weekday at least to go to work. Some days she had to be in so early or work so late that she would spend the night in the bedroom at Paul’s office. Plus, she had to be in control and in charge in the office and with clients, when all she really wanted to do was submit. She stripped, of course, the minute she arrived at home, and she shed her control even as she shed her garments. Off came the panties, and she was free. She was her Master’s slave.

Paul was very concerned that his slaves remain healthy and fit. When he was home, he did most of the cooking. He was very good at it and enjoyed it. Women always love men who can cook, right? Kat was a pretty fair cook, too, and she liked cooking with him. Courtney, just out of college, really couldn’t cook at all, and Meg came home from the office most days too late. They ate extremely well and very healthily. Master also insisted that each work out for half an hour daily on the elliptical down in his basement “dungeon,” and Kat led Courtney and Meg in naked yoga.

One day, Paul announced that he wanted his three slaves to start doing Kegel exercises. Kat was confused As far as she knew these exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles were for pregnant women or those with an incontinence issue. Neither of those applied to any of them. Nor were they Thai hookers who could use their vaginal muscles to open beer bottles—a truly gruesome “trick”—or strippers who “drank” the beer down there and then peed it back into a mug—also not Kat’s idea of a fun spectacle.

She asked her Master why he wanted them to do Kegels. He did not answer her directly. Instead he had all three of them stand. He inspected them and then, starting with Courtney and ending with Kat, he put them through the ritual of ownership, as he did every morning. Standing behind Courtney and placing his hands on her buttocks, he asked, “Whose ass is this, slave?”

“It’s your ass, Master,” she intoned.

Reaching around her and cupping her breasts, he asked, “Whose tits are these?”

“They’re your tits, Master.”

Walking around her to the front, he placed a hand between Courtney’s legs, cupping her smooth mound. “Whose cunt is this, slave?”

“It’s your cunt, Master.”

Kat saw where this was going. He proceeded on to Meg and repeated the litany. Then it was Kat’s turn. After each question, she gave the required response, and she meant it.

“It’s your ass, Master.”

“They’re your tits, Master.”

Master stood in front of Kat and placed his hand between her legs. “And whose cunt is this, slave?”

“It’s your cunt, Master,” she replied. He caressed her and fingered her labia. Then, without moving his hand, he did something she had never seen him do before. He repeated the question.

“And whose cunt is it, slave?”

“It’s your cunt, Master,” she answered again.

“Very good, slave,” was all he said.

OK, lesson learned. It was Paul’s equivalent of a parental “because I said so.”

So, the three of them began exercising their vaginal muscles. Paul directed them to the Mayo Clinic’s website for instructions, and they followed the regimen recommended there. Three times a day, they practiced tightening the muscle and holding the contraction for five seconds. At first, they did it five times per session, with five seconds between contractions. Gradually, they built up to ten reps a session, holding them for ten seconds with ten seconds of rest in between. All three of them did the exercises together in the morning and the evening. Courtney and Kat did them together in the afternoon when Meg was at work. Meg had to do them in the office. Kat never asked her, but she imagined her doing them while checking her email and struggling to focus on both. They all joined in together for every session on the weekends.

They continued on with the Kegels as part of their daily routine for three or four months without any comment or explanation from Paul. Then one day he led Kat to his bed on her leash. Lying down on his back, he instructed her to mount him. She did as commanded and began to rock back and forth upon his hard shaft, expecting him to reciprocate her thrusts. Instead, he put his hands on her hips and steadied her, holding her tight on his thighs.

“No,” he said firmly. “I want you to sit there absolutely still.”

“Huh?” she asked.

“Do your Kegels,” he ordered.

“Excuse me, Master?” she questioned, though she sat there on his cock, absolutely still.

“I’ve had you all do the exercises these months not because any of you were insufficiently tight. You all are wonderful, especially for me. You each fit me like a glove. It’s about grip. Do you remember during one of our early sessions when I told you that I thought that women couldn’t really give men wholly satisfactory hand jobs?”

“Yes, Master, I remember. You said they were either hesitant to be rough enough or lacked the strength in their hands.” More of Master’s theories about the mechanics and science of sex, she thought. She was still skeptical, but, in her experience, he had not failed to be correct yet.

“That’s right, slave,” he replied. “I’m glad you recall. Well, this is a wonderful substitute. When you repeatedly contract the muscle strengthened by the Kegels, it feels just like a great hand job. Since you exist as a slave only for my pleasure, I am telling you to do your Kegels until I come, and because you are not permitted to move one iota the only pleasure you will get from it is the pleasure of knowing you satisfied me. Do you understand, slave?”

“Yes, Master,” she said as she smiled down at him.

“Then do as I told you, slave.”

“Yes, Master.” Kat sat perfectly still, impaled on his gorgeous erection. She began methodically to contract her lower pelvic muscle. It was tiring. It took more than the ten repetitions that the slave sisters had practiced, and she did not want to leave ten seconds in between because she wanted to please him and mimic the rhythm of jerking him off.

Finally his face scrunched, and he declared, “I’m coming.” He, however, was wrong about one thing. As he shot his warm cum deep inside her, although she did not come herself, Kat received pleasure beyond just knowing she had pleased him. His ejaculation inside her sheath always felt wonderful.

Mercifully, Paul did not inflict this motionless torture on all three of them in one day. He still wanted to have different kinds of fun with them, so he only used the Kegel maneuver with one of them each day.

Four days later, he began to “repay” them. The scenario began much as it had before. He led Kat on the leash up to his bedroom and instructed her to mount him and lean forward. Once again he ordered her to remain motionless. He tugged on her hips until his huge erection was deep inside her, pressed hard against her G-spot. “Now reach down and massage your clit,” he ordered—as if she needed an order. As Kat rubbed her swollen clit, Paul used his muscles down there to move his cock back and forth.

“You’re stroking me without even moving!”

He grinned and said, “Keep going.” He just lay motionless and kept stroking her inside.

“Please, Master, may I come for you?”

“No, slave, not yet.” Kat immediately stopped clitting off, and the sensation subsided. He just continued what he was doing. “Now start again, slave.” Her hand flew back to her crotch. By this time, she was getting close to a G-spot orgasm, too.

“Please, Master, may I come for you?” She was desperate.

“Yes, come for me, bitch,” he said. And at that instant she experienced the most amazing blended orgasm, clitoris and G-spot together. The muscles of her pussy clamped down hard on his cock, forcing him to come, too, exploding deep inside her.

“Oh, my god! That was fan-fucking-tastic! Thank you, Master! Thank you!”

He laughed out loud. “Now you see what those exercises were all about.”

“I should never have questioned you, Master. I never will again. I promise!” Kat said with him still inside her.

He laughed again. “Yes, you will, but I appreciate the sentiment nonetheless.” Paul was the only man Kat had ever been with who had the composure to use words like “sentiment” and “nonetheless” right after coming, while he was still inside a woman. She smiled back down at him.

“Have you shown this little trick to Meg or Courtney yet?”

“No, I thought I’d initiate you first,” he said.

“Courtney will go absolutely nuts! Do it when it’s her night in our rotation, so Meg and I can hear, or you could just do it in front of us and let us watch the fun,” Kat giggled.

“I’m sure something can be arranged, slave.” He lifted her off him and ordered her to clean him up with her mouth. She hungrily complied.

“Thank you, Master.”

It was not that the thanks were premature. As incredible as that motionless fuck had been, however, it would prove to be merely the “appetizer.” The “entrée” and “dessert” would come later.

About a month later, Kat, Meg and Courtney were all snuggling on the couch, watching a DVD of The Wicker Man, the original, not the silly Nicolas Cage remake. As they enjoyed looping the beautiful Britt Ekland’s wild, nude “fertility” dance, trying to decide if she looked like Courtney, Kat told Courtney to get on her knees on the floor and perform cunnilingus on her. Paul had given her authority over both her sisters. She tried not to abuse the privilege, but it was wonderful when she got especially horny looking at or petting the naked forms of Courtney or Meg to make them go down on her.

Paul was in his study doing some work when the doorbell rang. As they always did on such occasions, they retreated into another room. Paul came out and grabbed the robe he always kept handy. After they heard him close the door, they re-entered to see him carrying a large box. He looked like a little kid on Christmas Day. Putting the package down, he grinned and rubbed his hands. Kat swore she almost saw him do a little jig.

“What is it, Master?” Meg asked.

“Ahh, slave, patience. You’ll find out in due time.”

He picked up the box and carried it down to the dungeon, closing the door behind him. Meg and Courtney wanted to follow, but Kat stopped them. They hadn’t been invited, and the closed door looked like an instruction on its own. “We’ll be in on it when Master’s ready to show us, not before,” she said. Meg and Courtney could only shrug. Kat took their hands and walked them back to the sofa to continue their languid nuzzling.

An hour or so later, Paul came upstairs. “Come, slaves. Now I’ll satisfy your curiosity, Meg.” The truth was, of course, that they were all curious. Meg had just been quickest in asking the question. He attached leashes to all their collars and led them to his study.

The women were confused. Whatever had arrived in the parcel was in the basement. Why was their Master leading them to his study?

Paul turned his desktop monitor around so that it faced into the room rather than at his desk chair. Then he brought the keyboard and mouse around, as well. “Gather round, you horny bitches,” he instructed. As they watched, he called up the voyeur chat website where Kat had originally found Courtney. After logging in, from the various “tombstones,” he selected one for someone called “Princess Ondine.”

When that “room” came up, it was headed, “OhMiBod panties vibrate at the sound of tips.”

What they saw was an attractive brunette wearing only a collar, white lace boy shorts, and an opera mask, seated on a sofa over which a red sheet had been draped. Her arms rested on the back of the couch on either side of her body. Around her wrists were soft cuffs connected to chains which were secured to the wall behind her. Alongside her picture, there scrolled an ongoing conversation among her viewers. It said that 4,100 users were watching her.

“You brought us in here to watch a cam whore?” Kat asked, incredulous.

“Watch your mouth, slave,” Paul replied sternly. “Just watch. The OhMiBod—pronounced ‘oh my bod’—is a sound activated vibrator. It was designed to be worn inside a woman’s panties at dance clubs to vibrate in sync with the music. It therefore delivers a variable sensation instead of the steady one of most vibrators. There is one in Princess Ondine’s panties right now. It’s not an OhMiBod, but on this site that name is used as a generic term for any device of that type. Watch.”

As the women watched, a yellow message appeared in the dialogue box, stating that one of those watching had tipped one token. The clank of a coin was heard, and the woman wiggled. More tips of one token followed, each time causing her to squirm. Then someone tipped fifteen, and the “princess” pulled and strained on her chains, and her bounteous tits jiggled and bounced seductively.

Paul was logged on as “Dominotion,” the nick he used among the BDSM community. “Are you beginning to see how it works?” he asked his slave girls. “The higher the tip, the more powerful and sustained the vibration,” Paul continued. More tips of varying amounts began to pour in with increasing frequency. In reaction to each, Ondine would squirm and writhe, her response depending on the amount. “Now watch this, bitches.”

Paul typed at the keyboard and a yellow message, reading, “Dominotion tips 100 tokens,” appeared on the screen, and a longer jingle of coins. The woman thrashed about, headbanging and tugging on her restraints like a chained animal.

When the vibration ceased, the woman calmed and smiled. “Thank you, Dominotion,” she said.

No sooner had the woman regain her composure than Paul tipped one hundred again, causing a similar reaction. Twice more, he hit her with one-hundred-token tips. Then suddenly he tipped one thousand. A sustained jingle of coins sounded and the woman on-screen thrashed and struggled with such violence that it seemed she might pull her chains out of the wall, while she moaned uncontrollably. As she regained herself, she smiled broadly. “Thank you, Dominotion. You always make me come,” she said.

Paul typed, and the message “Dominotion: And I always will, Princess” appeared.

Courtney was transfixed. “Look at her coloring and her tits. That could be Kat,” she said in wonderment. And it was true that there was a striking resemblance.

“Would you like to meet her, Courtney?” Paul asked.

“You know her?” Kat asked. “Was she another one of you clients?”

“No, slave,” he replied, laughing. “This one never needed my help. I just know her through BDSM circles.”

“I see the collar, Master,” said Meg. “Is she your slave, too?”

Once again Paul chuckled. “No, slave. Nor is she collared by anyone. It’s just part of her performance. She is genuinely submissive, though.”

Meg, the lawyer, followed up. “You just ‘spent’ fourteen hundred ‘tokens’—whatever those are. How much did you really spend?”

“A little over a hundred dollars, I think. I’m not quite sure. A token is about the equivalent of a dime, but you get discounts for buying in bulk. But you didn’t answer my question, would you like to meet her?”

“Yes!” Meg and Courtney chimed in unison.

“Who is she?” Kat demanded. “Is this her ‘job?’” she asked, using her fingers to mark air quotes.

“Settle down, slave,” Paul said, laughing once more and stroking Kat’s cheek. “No, this is just a hobby for her—a kind of performance art, you might say, though it is a nice supplement to income. She makes about four thousand dollars for several hours on the weekend. On weekdays, he real name is Charlotte, and she is an advertising executive in the city—one of the best.

“I’ll make a reservation for five for lunch next Saturday at the Gilded Cage,” said Paul, referring to an upscale café in the city that catered to a BDSM clientele. “I think you’ll like her. She really is a delightful person.”

Courtney clapped her hands and jumped up and down. “Thank you, Master,” she squealed.

“That, however, is next week. Before then, you have work to do. The box that arrived contained the same kind of vibrator that Ondine was using. You are going to get to experience it. Right now.” Then picking up their leashes, he led his trio of slaves to the basement.

In the basement, Paul had arranged three sets of cushions in a row. He instructed them to recline. “You’re going to experience what I’ll generically refer to as the OhMiBod. I purchased one for each of you.” He produced three of what looked like a computer mouse, one in white, one in black, and pink. He nested the white one between Kat’s labia, a small nodule on the underside rested on her clitoris. He then repeated the task, giving Meg the black one and Courtney the pink.

“You’re going to have to do this without the benefit of the panties Ondine had to hold it in place. I’ve positioned the cushions widely enough apart so that you won’t hurt each other in your frenzy. If you start to writhe and wiggle, you’ll have to hold it with you hand. Whatever happens, you must keep it held in place. Do you understand?” Each of the three women answered in the affirmative. “Good, then let’s get started.”

Paul went to a cabinet and extracted two brass bells of the type a church bell choir would use. At least that was how they looked to Kat. He put one aside on a table. Taking the other, he extended his arm and rang it once. A loud, rich, vibrant tone issued forth, and as it did, the women felt a jolt from their vibrators, causing them to jump. None, however, had to reach for crotch. He then repeated the move several times in succession.

The women thought of the single clink when a one-token tip was bestowed. It felt good, but nothing to write home about. Then he made it ring five times quickly before silencing it. Almost in unison, they squirmed and had to reach to hold their vibrators. Paul took that as a cue to go further in the torture that he used the way he used the Sybian. “You need not ask permission to come, slaves,” he said.

That should have been a warning of what was to come. Paul loosed a long and sustained series of tones. Except that they were not chained, the women threw their bodies around, bouncing with pleasure. Then, as the effect of that barrage subsided, Paul picked up the other bell in his left hand and began to ring them both, first the right hand, then the left, in rapid succession.