Dr. Olusola Coker

Witchcraft Manipulation

Powerful Prayers and Declaration against Witchcraft Manipulators

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
80331 Munich


Lots of people could not achieve their destiny because of Witchcraft manipulation. Witches are very wicked as there operation is no longer hidden. Witchcraft powers are so powerful that anybody overseas can be bewitched. It is not a laughing matter

It is only prayers that can, paralyze these powers of darkness completely. You have to pray aggressively against the powers of witchcraft.  In most cases, you must pray the prayers in the middle of the night. However, if you experience the following signs, it shows that you are under manipulation of witchcraft powers. Please note that they can come in form of human being, they could also come from your relatives.


With my years of experience dealing with human being, I observe that some people are actually under the control of other people.  Witches can use anyone to manipulate people’s life.


Questions for you and signs you are under Witchcraft manipulators

Is your relationship an abusive one?


Is your wife or husband always abusing you?


Are your children under the influence of alcohol, drug etc?


When you observe that your senior sister or brother doesn’t allow you to prove your point when in disagreement?  He or she may be under the influence of witchcraft manipulation.


When your senior sister or brother are always right and don’t want to listen to other peoples opinion?, then He or she may be under witchcraft manipulation.


When you observe in your family that your brother or sister manipulate you with threats, aggressive anger etc.


Anyone under witchcraft manipulation can kill; it could be your friends, spouse, sister or brother, etc


When your children, your spouse, your friends or any of your family are not satisfied, they always expect more from you.


No matter the satisfaction you give to your spouse, he or she is never satisfied: witchcraft manipulation is operating in him or her.


When you are always being questioned about your spouse motives or every move, witchcraft manipulation is at work.


When your senior brother or sister including anyone in the position of authority constantly putting you down. In most cases, the manipulators always call you names and questioning the wisdom in the decisions you make.


When you observe that those that have control over you, always like to have their way.


Anyone under the influence of witchcraft manipulation will continue to dominate and control you anyhow.


When you observe that anyone is trying to control or dominate you by imposing their will on you, witchcraft manipulation is at work.


When your spouse just suddenly threatens to end the relationship, witchcraft manipulation is at work.


Witchcraft manipulators starve their spouse with sex and use it to manipulate and get what they want from him or her