Everything You Need to Know about Your Baby’s First Year!




If someone asked me to name one miracle that exists on this earth, I would say the miracle of bringing a life onto the earth. I did not know how beautiful it was till I saw my own sister go through the entire process of pregnancy and giving birth to this angel that brought happiness to our lives. Being a parent is the hardest thing to do and I congratulate you on being one. In this hard but wonderful journey of raising a baby, we would do with all the help we could get.


One reason why I decided to write a book on this topic is that seeing how important it is to take care of small details when you have a new born on your laps, I thought a book like this would really help parents with small problems that may arise with the baby. I know how hard it is when you have a baby and you don’t have your mother around to help you with your questions. I hope my book will help answer those little questions.


In the Caring for Your Baby, you will learn the following:


1) The things that a new mother can expect in the days following child birth.


1) How to cope with depression that a new mother may feel after giving birth.


2) How to breast feed your baby.


3) How to bathe your baby properly.


4) Reasons why your baby will cry.


5) How to get your baby to have a nice night’s sleep.


6) How to choose a paediatrician for your baby.


7) How you can use music to soothe your baby.


8) What foods your baby should eat at various stages of his first year.


9) What kinds of noises your baby will make (and what they may mean).


10) The kinds of movements your baby will make before learning how to walk.


11) How to help your baby develop their motor and coordination skills.